Convincing Presentations (in English)

Convincing Presentations (in English)

Improving presentation skills and presenting successfully – online seminar

In this live-online-seminar, you will learn how to present professionally and convincingly. We will teach you how to achieve your goals with successful presentations and how to overcome challenges and unforeseen problems.

Inspire your audience – The art of professional presentation

Presentation skills are essential to communicate successfully at work and convince others of your ideas, products or services. This online course will teach you how to effectively address your target audience and how to plan and structure your content. You will learn how to use presentation media optimally and how to design appealing slides without overwhelming the audience. The challenges of virtual presentations are also part of the course and you will receive tips on how to present yourself successfully in online environments.
To perform convincingly, we will introduce you to the art of storytelling and show you how to use argumentation techniques. You will learn how to include examples and references so that your presentations will be remembered for the long term. In addition, you will learn how to improve your skills concerning rhetoric and body language, in order to show a self-confident demeanor.

Wähle ein Startdatum
8 UE
à 45 Minuten
max. 15
379,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
Convincing Presentations (in English)

The online seminar "Convincing Presentations in English" is designed for anyone who wants to improve their presentation skills in order to present professionally and convincingly in front of an audience.


Introduction: Successful presentations

  • Definition of goals and audience analysis for an effective presentation
  • Building a clear and convincing message

Preparing a successful presentation

  • Collecting and structuring content
  • Visualization techniques and use of media
  • Avoiding overload and distractions

Rhetoric and body language

  • Confident appearance and use of voice
  • Body language and non-verbal communication
  • Dealing with stage fright and nervousness

Interaction with the audience

  • Building a positive relationship with the audience
  • Answering questions confidently

Presentation techniques for convincing performance

  • Storytelling: building an emotional connection
  • Argumentation techniques for clear and powerful statements
  • Using memorable examples

Dealing with difficult situations

  • Managing unforeseen problems (e.g., disruptions and distractions)
  • Responding flexibly and confidently to critical questions and objections

Mastering virtual presentations

  • Special aspects and challenges of online presentations
  • Using interactive features in virtual environments
  • Technical aspects for a smooth presentation

Nach Kursabschluss kann das alfatraining-Teilnahmezertifikat mit den Kursdaten und -inhalten im eigenen Benutzerkonto als PDF heruntergeladen werden. Einige Kurse schließen mit einem Partnerzertifikat oder einer Zertifizierungsprüfung ab, siehe hierzu die Kursbeschreibung.

Voraussetzungen für diesen Kurs

Requirements for live participation:

  • Customary desktop computer or laptop (64-bit), headset, webcam
  • Stable internet connection
  • At least 2 GB of RAM
  • Download and installation of alfaview (free of charge for you!)

Short preparation check:

  1. Create profile or login and book desired course
  2. Download and install video conferencing software
  3. Check technical equipment (computer, headset and webcam)
  4. Log back in to your profile at and test everything

The event will take place live and online, please check your equipment at least 2-3 days before the course starts and install the alfaview videoconferencing software alfaview (free of charge for you!). If you are using a company network or computer, please clarify the installation and use of alfaview with the appropriate department beforehand!

Allgemeine Voraussetzungen

Für eine Live-Teilnahme unbedingt erforderlich:

  • Handelsüblicher Computer (64-bit), Headset, Webcam
  • Mind. 2 GB Arbeitsspeicher
  • Stabile Internetverbindung
  • Download und Installation alfaview (für dich kostenfrei)

Kurzer Vorbereitungscheck:

  1. Profil anlegen oder Login und gewünschten Kurs buchen auf
  2. Videokonferenzsoftware herunterladen und installieren auf
  3. Technik prüfen (Computer, Headset und Webcam)
  4. Auf in dein Profil einloggen und alles testen

Die Veranstaltung findet live und online statt, bitte prüfe mindestens 2-3 Tage vor Kursbeginn dein Equipment und installiere dir rechtzeitig die Videokonferenzsoftware alfaview (für dich kostenfrei). Solltest du ein Firmennetzwerk bzw. einen Firmenrechner nutzen, kläre bitte zuvor die Installation sowie Verwendung von alfaview mit der entsprechenden Abteilung.

Du interessierst dich für den Kurs, bist aber unsicher, ob du buchen sollst?

Bitte beachte, dass Veranstaltungen nur dann durchgeführt werden können, wenn eine Mindestanzahl an Teilnehmenden erreicht ist. Also buche möglichst frühzeitig oder kontaktiere uns!

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